PAYG, GST & FBT Instalment Variations For 2025

This package includes 4 Excel files which will calculate variations to instalments raised in activity statements for the year ended 30 June 2025 for PAYG (individuals and companies), GST and FBT. 

As with all of our calculation packages, these files are downloaded to your system and are available for unlimited use within your practice.  As well, you will be provided with any future updates to either the files or the calculation package. 

For more information, read on and watch our 3 videos below to see a demonstration of these calculators as well as a brief tour of our website.

Warning: this file is not compatible with Microsoft Excel versions 2016 or earlier, or the cloud-based version of Excel, or Excel for Mac, or Google Sheets. 

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PAYGI Variation for a Company (1)

PAYGI Variation for a Company (2)

PAYGI Variation for an Individual (1)

PAYGI Variation for an Individual (2)

GST Instalment Variation

FBT Instalment Variation


Demonstrating 2024 PAYG Instalment Variations
Demonstrating 2024 GST & FBT Instalment Variations
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