Both Dashboards
- Unlimited use within your practice
- All updates to files after purchase
- Import ATO lodgement report
- Import practice data using a wizard
- Dashboard loaded for a full analysis
- Staff can view their own data
- Drill down to see actual returns or BAS
- Analyse using up to 3 user-defined levels
- Optionally import client contact details
- Summarise returns by entity type & status
- Lodgement peformance by practice & entity type
- Rank staff by percentage lodged
- Due date analysis
- 85% on time projections
- Lodgement summary for the prior 3 years
- Summarise by entity type or period
- Due date analysis for all activity statements
- Rank staff by outstanding lodgements
- See top 20 clients outstanding by number
- View outstanding lodgements by responsibility (practice, client or lodge only if varying)