Archives: Recent Updates
Apportion by Date
This calculation has been updated with the following new features – Option to enter either deductible or private periods; Calculate deductible and private components of multiple amounts; Additionally, further apportion by area if applicable; Sort tables; Protection of the calculation worksheet has been relaxed to allow use of empty cells; and An additional DIY worksheet…
ATO Audit – Asset Betterment
Use this workbook to project possible results under an ATO audit based on asset betterment. Calculations/2018/ATO Audit – Asset Betterment
Lodgement Manager – BAS
Download an ATO not lodged activity statement report for your practice and import it into this workbook for an in-depth analysis of your BAS lodgement obligations. The features include – Once downloaded, it will take you just a few minutes to copy and paste ATO data into this workbook; The Dashboard has a summary of…
Company Tax Rate
Determine the company tax rate for 2018 by analysing base rate entity passive income (BREPI) and aggregated turnover. Trace passive income received as part of multiple distributions from partnerships or trusts. Calculations/2018
Livestock – Forced Disposal
Calculate tax profit on the forced disposal or death of livestock. Show profit to be spread across 5 years under option 1 and alternatively allow entry of replacement livestock for automatic calculation of reduction to those costs to absorb the deferred profit under option 2. Calculations/Year
Lodgement Manager – Returns
Download an ATO lodgement status report for your practice and import it into this workbook for an in-depth analysis of your practice lodgement program. The features include – Once downloaded, it will take you just a few minutes to copy and paste ATO data into this workbook; The Dashboard has a summary of the number…
Defined Benefit Income Cap Tool
This is a link to the ATO website to calculate the defined benefit income cap, the assessable amount to be included in the tax return and the amount of the tax offset that may be allowable. Calculations/2018/Defined Benefit Income Cap Tool
Personal Budget
This is a non-expiring monthly budget for use by your clients in managing their personal finances. The workbook has been protected but without a password. We recommend that you review this budget, make any changes to accommodate your preferences, including adding your practice name and/or logo and then use a password to protect the budget…
Franking Credit – Convert to Loss
For a company tax return, convert excess non-refundable franking offsets to an equivalent tax loss. Calculations/2018
Stock – Private Use
This workbook calculates the amounts that the ATO will accept as estimates of the value of goods taken from trading stock for private use by taxpayers in named industries. Calculations/2018