Archives: Recent Updates
Effective Tax Rate – User Request
Calculate the effective tax rate for your client group. This calculator can be used for any year so you will find it under Financial Calculations. Calculations/Financial/Effective Tax Rate
Small Business Boosts – User Request
Calculate the bonus deductions claimable under the Small Business Technology Investment Boost and the Small Business Skills & Training Boost. Calculations/2023/Small Business – Technology Boost and Small Business – Skills Boost
BAS – 2024
Just one file now and select the entity type at the dashboard. New features include – Calculations/2024/JobPapers/BAS
Rental Income – Foreign
Summarise rental income and expenses in a foreign currency and convert to AUD. Add your own exchange rates for any country not listed. Calculations/2019 – 2023/Rental Income – Foreign
Lodgement Manager – Returns (2023)
Take control of your ATO lodgements with this interactive lodgement dashboard. Import your lodgement report from the ATO portal and a client report from your practice software to produce a dashboard showing – Using our new practice import wizard, import up to 3 levels of reporting data for each client from your practice software. Reporting levels…
Working papers for individual returns for a client and their partner (2023)
This new addition to our JobPaper collection has been requested by a number of our users. Keep all of your supporting records, reports and calculations for both returns together in this file and make use of the handy job management tools and Accountants Desktop templates included with the workbook. Calculations/2023/Returns – Individual
Working From Home Expenses (2023)
This calculation is the Home Office Expenses workbook from 2022 but updated with an improved layout and expanded help. It calculates the running expenses claimable where your client works from home, using the revised fixed rate and/or actual costs methods. If applicable, it calculates occupancy (place of business) deductions for those self-employed or business owner…
Property Investment Analysis
Thanks to a request from one of our users, this calculator now allows you to analyse a potential property investment over any period from 1 to 10 years. Calculations/Budgets & Projections/Property Investment Analysis
FBT – Cars (2023)
Our existing calculator has been updated to include the following new features – Calculations/2023/FBT – Cars
Tax Planning (2023)
April is a good time to do some tax planning with your clients. The 2023 version of our tax planning workbook has now been uploaded to the Calculations module. Features include – Calculations/2023/Tax Planning