Download an ATO lodgement status report for your practice and import it into this workbook for an in-depth analysis of your practice lodgement program. The features include –
- Once downloaded, it will take you just a few minutes to copy and paste ATO data into this workbook;
- The Dashboard has a summary of the number of current year returns on your client list by lodgement status, client type and due date;
- See the percentage of returns lodged by your practice to the date of the ATO report;
- View your 85% on-time lodgement targets for each of the due dates;
- The Dashboard also has a last year lodged analysis, revealing how far behind some clients are in their lodgement obligations;
- An optional Manager Dashboard will allow you to import client managers from your practice software and analyse client manager performance by lodgement status, client type and due date;
- The Manager Dashboard also displays weekly lodgement targets for each manager and due date as well as showing a last year lodged and return not necessary analysis by manager;
- Along with client managers, you can also optionally import each client’s email address and first name to enable emailing directly from the workbook;
- A further option allows you to import client mobile phone numbers with practice data to enable texting directly from the workbook. You will need a service provider to use this feature with Microsoft Outlook; and
- You can choose any category of return for email or texting by simply double clicking on any number in either dashboard. A new sheet will be created with full details of the returns included with that number. Send emails or text messages to these clients from the workbook.
This workbook will quickly put you in control of your ATO lodgement requirements.
Calculations/2018/Lodgement Manager – Returns