Archives: Recent Updates
Dividend Calculations 2024
Updated – User Request New columns have been added to this calculation to enable identification of franking credits that are not claimable under the holding period rule. You have the option of showing or hiding these new columns. Also enter franking credits received through partnerships and trusts to compare the client’s total franking credits with…
Professionals Profit
The ATO is watching your professional clients to see if they comply with the guidelines in PCG 2021/4 when allocating profits to individual practitioners. These guidelines apply to professional firms which include, but are not limited to, accounting, architecture, engineering, financial services, law, medicine and management consulting. Direct quotes from the guidelines include – This new…
Excel Help
There is a new menu item in our Calculations module with specific help on the following procedures which will help you get the most out of using our Excel files – Calculations/About Using Excel
Rental Properties
There are 2 new items with ATO information in the Library module providing quick answers to common questions about rental property deductions. Capital Allowances vs Capital Works 2024Browse through the long list of assets in Table 3 of the ATO’s 2024 rental property guide to determine if you should claim depreciation or a capital works…
Lodgement Dashboards For 2024
These lodgement dashboards are now available for download. Using our dashboards will allow you to import a lodgement report from the ATO and matching data from your practice management system to produce an interactive dashboard capable of viewing data with multiple filters. You have a choice of up to 3 user-defined reporting levels. Click here to…
Cashflow Forecasts – Weekly
User request Use this cashflow forecast to project weekly receipts and payments over a 12 month period. Along with our monthly version, their features include – Calculations/Budgets & Projections/Cashflow Forecast
Personal Tax Returns
Records Checklists New records checklists for 2024 returns have now been uploaded to Forms. One constant challenge when preparing personal returns is getting all of the information you need up front. Delays in completing returns breeds inefficiency, increases the time you spend on the job and ultimately affects cashflow. There are two versions of these…
Asset Acquisition
Change to layout. All calculations can now be viewed on one screen. Calculations/2024/Asset Acquisition
Property Investment Analysis
New Layout New Video Analyse a proposed rental property acquisition by your client and advise on – Or in the case of a negatively-geared property, use hypothetical information to profile an ideal property to match the client’s excess cashflow. Tax rates have been updated for the 2025 financial year. Calculations/Budgets & Projections/Property Investment Analysis
PAYG Withholding Variations
This handy calculator will help you estimate rental income and deductions, interest on investment loans, motor vehicle expenses and depreciation on related assets for 2025 for a PAYG withholding variation. This year, all calculations are now in this one file. Calculations/2025/PAYG Withholding Variations