Rental Income 2023

This rental income package includes 9 rent-related calculators from our extensive range of calculation templates.  Use these to help with the calculation of rental income and deductible expenses, including interest and up-front borrowing costs, for the year ended 30 June 2023.  There are also 3 calculators to assist with an application to vary PAYG withholding amounts during the year ended 30 June 2024.

For more information, read on and watch our videos below to see these calculators in more detail and to be taken on a brief tour of our website.


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Standard Calculator
Calculate rental income and expenses from agent’s monthly statements or from annual statements if more than one agent for the year.

Private Use
Apportion expenses for private use based on both floor area and period used. E.g. holiday homes, AirBnB, etc.

Foreign Rent
Convert foreign rental income and expenses to AUD using in-built monthly exchange rates.

Reconcile Rent
For clients with a large number of rental properties, reconcile totals at item 21 on return.


Enter a summary of monthly transactions to determine interest and closing balances of each component of a single loan used for up to five separate purposes.

Reconcile closing balances with the loan statements.

Interest and regular repayments are apportioned on the basis of the component loan’s proportionate use of capital each month. 

Allocate any lump sum repayments from the sale of an asset against the balance of that component used to acquire the asset.


Calculate the annual amounts to claim for up-front borrowing expenses. 

Amortise expenses for up to 10 loans, show unclaimed balances at year-end over the write-off period and amortise unclaimed borrowing expenses brought forward from the previous year.


Rent Estimate
Project rental income and expenses.

Estimate deductible interest on property loan(s).

Project depreciation for the year.

Sheet Previews

Standard Calculation

Property With Private Use

Foreign Rental Income

Reconcile Rent

Apportion Interest on a Mixed Purpose Loan

Borrowing Expenses

PAYGW Variation – Rent Estimate

PAYGW Variation – Interest Estimate

PAYGW Variation – Depreciation Estimate


Rent Calculators
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